Hey everyone! Sorry for the lack of recent updates but between getting a new comp, going back to classes, and moving out of my old place I have had exactly no free time to speak of (except for Skyrim). It's only been in the last couple of days that I've been able to even begin to catch my breath. I invested a LOT of time into this single image which is a teaser for my upcoming project: Tales of Deepwood. The story will revolve around the three lovely ladies seen in the pic and will feature an actual plot rather than simple images. I also just picked up some new programs (thank god for student discounts) that should drastically improve my upcoming images; Cinema 4D and Vray. Both of which are god-tier tools for adding realism to any scene!
I haven't named any of the three characters so if you have a suitable one for one of the babes then let me know! If I choose a name you suggest, I'll even make a standalone image of the girl in question and credit you in the picture (the "Thanks Mongo" pic kind of deal). Enjoy and keep stopping by!